Friday, March 10, 2006

I lost my nuts!

Do you know what I hate?

I just hate it when I loose things. But, what's worse is when you do loose something somewhere in public, perhaps in the back seat of a cab, and it just never turns up again.......Now I'm a dentist and this happened to me very recently when after a night out with my wife I lost my nut, my Coco de Mer (meaning coconuts of the sea). Maybe you can help me, and besides, there's a reward out for my nut. Now thanks to wikipedia here's a picture of what my nut looks like and if you're game then click the image to enlarge.

Coco de Mer

The Coco de Mer is sometimes referred to as a Double Coconut or Coco Fresse or Seychelles nut and as you will read here, the Coco de Mer palm produces the largest seed in the world and is endemic to only two of the 115 Seychelle Islands (the islands of Praslin and Curieuses). What's really interesting is that the plants have separate sexes and thus there are male trees and female trees. These large seeds may weigh up to 50 pounds and have historically been found floating in the Indian Ocean, being known to explorers long before the parent plants were discovered. They were originally named only from floating seeds; erroneously thought to have originated in the Maldive Islands, they were assigned the scientific name "maldivica". In days of old it was rarely found washed ashore on the coast of India and viewed as the female counterpart to the shankara stones on Hindu alters. It was also used as a medicine and as an aphrodisiac. Today, the seed is so valuable and coveted by so many that it's chances of being allowed to fall into water and drift away have to be extremely small!

Sent in by SM, Melbourne, Australia


Anonymous said...

I hate it when i loose things too. I loose alot of things. I loose my temper all the time. I loosed my phone in a taxi last night too

Jen said...

I hate it when people spell the word "lose" wrong. Just saying.

Jana Vent said...

Thanks for picking that up Jen :)

Anonymous said...

I've lost heaps of things left behind in cabs but have never ever had any itme returned. This goes to beg the question relating to the honesty of cabbies!

Frank, LA, USA

Anonymous said...

Losing things in cabs or trains etc is a real pain as invariably you can kiss goodbye whatever it is that you left behind......


Anonymous said...

Losing things in cabs or trains etc is a real pain as invariably you can kiss goodbye whatever it is that you left behind......
